Each of us has some type of artistic talent. It could be photography, drawing, pastels, sculpture, quilting or sewing. Share your art with the rest of your family and friends by creating a book showcasing your art.
Go to the web site www.blurb.com/bookstore/c-arts-photography and take a look at what others have done - and what YOU could do! When you reach that web page click on any of the books. When the book's page opens up, click on the banner that says PREVIEW BOOK to see the inside pages.
All you need is a fairly decent digital camera to capture your art in a photograph and a photo-imaging software program to crop and enhance your photographs.
Blurb.com offers free services and tools to help you organize and display your art in a magnificent coffe-table quality book. You only pay them at the very end of the process when you get your book printed - and the costs are very reasonable.
Blurb.com offers free services and tools to help you organize and display your art in a magnificent coffe-table quality book. You only pay them at the very end of the process when you get your book printed - and the costs are very reasonable.
If you think that the whole process of making a book is too difficult - think again. Some authors that have used Blurb.com have put together a web site that allows you to view (for free) some 30+ tutorial videos that demonstrate every facet of the book-making process to help you get your book done using Blurb's FREE BookSmart® software. That web site is located HERE.
So, shall we get started?